New Jersey Dump and Garbage Truck Accidents
Have you recently been involved in a serious accident with a garbage truck or a dump truck? You may be curious about your legal rights and unsure of how to proceed. This affects many different victims who have been involved in a collision, whether as a pedestrian or another vehicle driver. When an accident happens involving a dump or garbage truck, you need reliable counsel to assist you with identifying the negligent parties and pursuing a legal claim for compensation.
Since garbage and dump trucks frequently stop and start, the risk of a major accident is much higher. Operating in residential and commercial neighborhoods, these accidents can affect anyone.
Who is Most Often Hurt in Garage Truck Accidents?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics shares that more than 800 construction workers were killed in accidents involving dump trucks, and nearly half of those fatalities involved employees outside of the vehicles.
Some of the ways that dump truck loaders and operators can minimize accidents include:
• Using cameras and radar
• Never stopping in embankments or rivers banks
• Wearing seatbelts when inside the vehicle
• Using a spotter, back up alarm or other method to warn about blind spots
These safety recommendations however, are not always followed and the results can be significant. Injured individuals or workers can suffer significant medical obstacles long after the initial crash takes place.
Licensing requirements may also be called into question in your injury claim and your lawyer should be prepared to investigate all of the people who are involved with the management and operation of the dump truck on the day of your accident. Nearly 30% of the garbage and dump truck accidents are due to:
- Failing to adhere to warning sounds
- Backing up without appropriate visibility
- Failing to check the blind spots
In order to minimize these tragic accidents, dump and garbage trucks are equipped with loud beepers and side mirrors that are intended to notify individuals when backing up. However, vehicle drivers can illegally drive past dump trucks or speed up, often causing accidents due to lack of visibility with the truck. In these situations, it is important to have an experienced injury attorney at your side to help you fight for maximum compensation.
Identification of liable parties needs to be completed immediately to give you a fighting chance for the full and fair compensation you will need due to the fact that you are missing work and have to pay for significant medical bills. There is a lot on the line with a garbage and dump truck case, and the right attorney makes the difference in your ability to recover from a serious accident claim.